A beautiful bouquet of yellow roses, red gerberas and white gypsophila1920 x 1200, 386 kB
Yellow-white daisies on a green background1920 x 1440, 263 kB
Yellow chamomile. Fortune telling for love1920 x 1280, 190 kB
Red and yellow tulips illuminated by the sun1920 x 1280, 341 kB
Bouquet of pink and yellow tulips1920 x 1440, 246 kB
The middle of the yellow rose is near1920 x 1250, 264 kB
A yellow leaf among the leaves on the table2138 x 1200, 393 kB
Red and yellow flower with bokeh effect1920 x 1229, 218 kB
Yellow and pink flowers on the field1935 x 1200, 311 kB
Bright yellow flowers in the field1920 x 1280, 227 kB
A small crimson flower on a blurry yellow background1920 x 1318, 179 kB
Lots of funny yellow daisies1926 x 1200, 419 kB
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