A large bouquet of white roses in a vase on the table1920 x 1180, 497 kB
Pink and white roses in a wicker basket on a dark background1920 x 1280, 238 kB
Beautiful bouquet of white roses1280 x 1024, 198 kB
Beautiful bouquet of white roses1280 x 1024, 252 kB
A fading bouquet of purple and white roses1920 x 1295, 622 kB
flower rose bud drops rosa water light highlight1920 x 1275, 231 kB
flower rose petals drops rosa water1920 x 1275, 216 kB
rose flower background against the background of the girl1680 x 1050, 102 kB
flowers roses vase cup morning mood beauty wallpaper photo1920 x 1200, 188 kB
A white rose bud with a pink edge on a background of green leaves1920 x 1280, 180 kB
ice rose flowers abstract1920 x 1200, 399 kB
Bouquet of yellow and white roses1920 x 1285, 364 kB
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