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1920 x 1302, 389 kB
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2133 x 1200, 549 kB
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1920 x 1200, 546 kB
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2270 x 1200, 601 kB
the hobbit or there and back again the hobbit: the desolation of smaug orlando bloom evangeline lilly legolas tauriel elves forest mirkwood hobbies or there and back
1920 x 1280, 479 kB
the hobbit or there and back again the hobbit: the desolation of smaug mirkwood elves legolas tauriel dwarves bilbo hobbies or there and back forest detachment gnomes captured bil
2866 x 1200, 664 kB
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1920 x 1280, 587 kB
forest fantasy fanart fire round trip palm tree gandalf dwarves hobbies master wizard moonchild unexpected journey elven forest moonxels moon mirkwood
1920 x 1200, 402 kB
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